Titanium Instruments |
Titanium offers great benefits that make
instruments made of this alloy invaluable for certain procedures.
Titanium instruments
improve accuracy. Titanium is only
about half the weight of stainless steel. The light weight improves fine motor
control by decreasing the fatigue of hand muscles. This is extremely important
when the surgeon operates for extended periods of time. The reduced weight also
improves accuracy through an improved sense of touch.
Titanium is
non-magnetic. This is important when
working with nerves. Small suture needles may get magnetized and stick to stainless
steel needle holders. This is not possible with titanium needle holders. Titanium
instruments will not get magnetized by or stick to the magnetic restrainers of small
animal retraction systems and they are safe to use near other equipment utilizing
magnetic fields.
Titanium is highly
resistant to corrosion. It can be used in
corrosive environments, such as saline solutions, that would damage regular
stainless steel instruments.
Titanium instruments come with a special blue finish that
reduces glare under the microscope and provides an easy way to separate these
valuable surgical instruments from ones made of stainless steel.